Macarthur Foodies looks at cafes and restaurants in our local district, interviewing chefs and Macarthurs passion for food.

How does a specialty cafe survive during the economic downturn?

In Uncategorized on May 29, 2009 at 4:01 am

Florentine at the Crepe Cafe.

The economic crisis has played havoc on small businesses, the specialist Crepe Cafe in Macarthur has also taken a beating but will continue to fight on.

Darren Rispen owner of The Crepe Cafe, Macarthur opened up his cafe as he thought it was a good opportunity at the time in 2004.

During the past year however, as the economy has taken a turn for the worse it has effected his business in a  bad way. Initially Rispen opened the store after he went to a crepe cafe in Queensland and enjoyed them so much.

Mrs Rispen, Darren Rispen’s mother, also works at the Crepe Cafe, the families small business.  Mrs Rispen stated that,

“Eating out is more of a burden, but i still think its a good social activity that people should undertake, its good to entertain and get out with people”.

A poll was taken on-line atFreePollkit, that showed the large difference between the effect the economy has on small businesses during the economic downturn. The vote was split fifty-fifty, half the voters said they felt no effect, and the other half felt a devastating effect on their business.

Although the Crepe Cafe is  “something quite different”  according to Mrs Rispen and that  “there is nothing else quite like it in the area”  The crepe Cafe is not unique in the way that it has suffered in the recent months due to less consumers. 

“yes, yes I believe that the economy has effected every body and they are thinking more financially and they think eating out is more expensive now, and that its a necessity that they cant really afford to do!”

Despite the hardships faced by this specialist cafe, Mrs Rispen does not think it was a bad business move and that she would still recommend the choice to others.

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